777; Three Of A Kind, Sevens And Flushes – Pokerkinds
Three of a Kind: triples plus same rank cards. For example: 3 8 12 14 of hearts. Triples of same rank also beats three of a kind. For example: 3 8 12 14 of hearts, 3 8 22 52 of spades, 6 52 51 42 of spades, 5 44 44 44 of diamonds, etc.
Sevens: Three of a kind plus one kicker. togel hk siang For example: 3 8 12 27 of hearts. Three of a kind beats three of a kind, two pair, two pair, one pair and a high card. For example: 3 8 22 52 of spades, 3 8 27 44 of diamonds, etc.

flushes: three cards of the same suit or same rank. For example: 5 Hearts; 5 Diamonds; 5 Spades. The highest flush beats the lowest flush. In the flop, you need to have three cards of the same suit or two cards of the same rank and in the turn, you need to have one card of the same suit or one card of the same rank. The highest flush beats the lowest flush. Three of a kind beats two pairs. togel hk siang Two pair beats one pair. One pair beats three of a kind.
Straights: The straight consists of five cards in sequence. This hand beats all previous hands. With the highest card in the sequence, whether they are identical, or not, the hand is said to be five of a kind. When there are no cards higher than the highest card, it is Ace, Deuce, and High card. The ace can be used as a high card, as long as it is used in the sequence. The highest card in the sequence is the winner if there are no matching hands within the sequence.
Three of a Kind. Three cards of the same rank. Three Kings would beat three queens. This hand beats all previous hands. When there are no cards higher than the highest card in the sequence, it is King, Queen, and High card. The King beats the Queen. It is not necessary for the high card to be the same as the previous one.
Two Pair. The cards are in pairs with the same rank. For example, 5 hearts; 5 Spades. The highest pair beats the lowest pair. If there are no matches within the sequence, the High card wins. It beats all previous hands.
One Pair. The cards are in pairs with the same rank. For example, 3 Diamonds; 3 Hearts. The highest pair beats the lowest pair. If there are no matches within the sequence, the High card wins. It beats all previous hands.
High Card. It is the highest card you have and it cannot be used as a higher card for any of the other hands. It beats all previous hands. For example, the hand Q 8 Q beats the hand A 9 A.
The Great Finale. The hand with the highest card wins. If the highest card is the same as the one used in the highest win, the next highest card down is the next best hand.
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As you can see, this is quite a complex lay-out of hand rankings. Just memorise some of this information as you read through the article. Now, let me show you exactly how to read horse racing terminologies and beginnings of phrases.